Splintered Halo

1. You're a character metal band, how did the idea come about to do this?

I guess it started when I wrote Bloodshed in Wonderland . Ididnt realise thats what I was creating , by putting myself in Alice's shoes, then playing the doctor, I was starting down the path of chracter metal . Then Iwrote mad love and the music was made to fit harley , and I knew it had to be told from harleys perspective, sang in her New York accent. I enjoyed  the process and becoming Harley so much I realised that that's what I wanted to do going  forword. I realised there were so many possiblilities, and ways to musically, vocally, and lyrically express a character. It's a lot of fun to write and to perform, and it's a challenge, but it's incredibly rewarding to step back and think, yeah, that song fits that character.

2. Do you think that makes your band stand out?

I think we've definitely created a weird little niche of our own, and each song is quite different to the next. Even when people don't necessarily like what we do, if they're at a gig, they tend to find themselves watching. Maybe that's sometimes in a wtf way, but they're watching nonetheless. Writing about popular characters tends to make the music a little more accessible too because people can relate to the song more that way, and, because we weave in different musical styles, there tends to be something for everyone.

3. Evilyn, I've heard that you can play a lot of instruments, what instruments can you play?

I'm a bit of a dabbler when it comes to instruments, a Jack of All Trades but a master of none haha. I love music so I want to play music in as many ways as I can, and it helps from a writing perspective. I'm a vocalist first and foremost, obviously, but the main instrument I play is guitar and that's what I use to write the songs. I'm an Ibanez fangirl! I also dabble in drums, so I can work out guide drums to whatever I'm writing to set the vibe of the song.

4. What's an instrument you've wanted to learn how to play?

I'd love to be able to play piano. I think it's a beautiful instrument, and I could play Moonlight Sonata all the way through, my life would be complete! Also, violin. Again, it's so beautiful and haunting, and it's such a challenge instrument to get to to grips with.

5. Who or what inspired you to be a songwriter?

Amy Lee inspired me to sing, but from a songwriting perspective, no one inspired me to write. I started writing so that I could be self sufficient, so that I could pull together a song all by myself and actually complete a whole musical idea. I wasn't content just writing a vocal line, or lyrics, I wanted to be able to create a full musical expression.

6. Gillian asks if you'd ever do a song about Mary Poppins?

Haha, funny you should ask, we've actually talked about it before! Mary Poppins was my favourite movie when I was little, I literally watched it every day and drove my Gran mad! So yeah, I wouldn't rule out a twisted Supercalifragilistic tribute to Poppins.

7. How would you describe your music style?

We're definitely metal and dark, but weave into that is all sorts of genres and styles depending on the character we're we're writing about. We go from baroque vibes in I Bathe In Blood, to cheerleader anthem in Fearleader, to circus weirdness in our latest single Float. We've been caled avant garde, horror, theatrical, or even progressive, but I still think character metal is the best description!

8. What's the top 3 best bands you've shared the stage with?

Oh that's a tough one! We've shared a stage with the Courtesans a good few times now, and they are absolute delights, and so much fun to be around. They actually put us up when we played in London! They're really supportive of other bands. I really enjoyed supporting the Butcher Babies too, I love their music so it was a privilege to get to share the stage with them. I had a chest infection that week though, so I was on stage necking a cough bottle haha. We played with Devilment last year, and Dani Filth is my hero, I was fangirling so hard, and I could hear myself and was trying to stop it, but I couldn't!

9. How did you come up with the band name?

The band name is actually a lyric from an Otep song called Sweet Tooth. I was lying on my bed, trying to think of a name that fit, and that was just perfect.

10. How would you describe Splintered Halo?

We're a band who tell stories. Dark, twisted versions of your favourite stories. The characters, the tale and creating the atmosphere are just as important as the music to us.


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