Scream Blue Murder Interview

We recently done an interview with Scream Blue Murders vocalist Aaron Bloomer.
Check them out here:
1. How did you come up with the name 'Scream Blue Murder'?
Scream Blue Murder is when you scream in protest. Or in Australia we found it means orgasm haha.
2. What's the most unusual experience you've had at a gig?
The most unusual experience is we went to a fans house in Iowa after the show. They said it was only down the road but it ended up being 2 hours away in a cornfield! We got to hold their guns and explore the barn that looked like something out of the saw films. Nice guys though!
3. What was the best music video to film?
I think so far for the cinematic reasons we are survivors but for the most fun I’d say restart rewind reset because for the whole thing I was drunk as f*ck!!!
4. You've recently signed to "Stay Sick", what does that mean for you all?
The stay sick boys have been awesome! They’ve been helping us develop as a band and have supported us throughout our time with them
5. You've supported 'Cabin Boy Jumped Ship' who are performing at Download this year, how far do you think they've come since you supported them?
I think they supported us but hey ho. They’re doing very well for themselves! Keep up the good work boys!
6. How do you think Spotify helps musicians?
Spotify is great for music because they have the chance to get their music out there on a world wide scale! But I’m old school. I still love CD’s!
7.What are the downsides of Spotify for musicians?
I think I answered that partially in the last question. No one really buys music anymore it’s all about streaming.
8. What's the pros and cons of touring?
Pros of touring - partying everyday, meeting new friends, bands and fans! Playing your music live for everyone to see and seeing the sights of the world. It’s an amazing feeling. Cons? Erm, I don’t think there are any! Personally I love being on tour and escaping everyone shit going on your life and having the best time ever!
9. What's your tips for growing?
Tips for growing - take viagra
10.What can we expect from 'Screaming Blue Murder' in the future?
You can expect new music coming this year and a bunch of tours. We’re here to hit every country possible over the next 2 years. We’re on a mission to reach the top!
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