Female Drummers in The Rock and Metal Music Industry

Drumming is something a lot of people are getting into. Males and females but there's not that many female drummers in rock and metal bands. There are however a lot of female drummers on YouTube posting covers such as Meytal Cohen and Kristina Schiano who really show what they can do.

I interviewed a few female drummers about what it's like being a female drummer in the rock and metal music industry.

Laura Cornall

Who or what got you into drumming?

When I first saw school of rock when I was 13 I knew I wanted to be involved in music but got into playing guitar instead of drums because my parents encouraged that more. Then I saw Jen Ledger smash it on the kit with Skillet at Download Festival I knew that's what I wanted to do so I came home and bought a kit!

Do you there's enough female drummers in the rock and metal industry?

Probaly not!

Do you think females are put off from wanting to learn the drums? If so, why?

I honestly don't know, maybe it can be perceived as a 'macho instrument' which might discourage females from even trying it.

What's it like being a female musician in the rock and metal industry?

For me personally it's cool! I've never been treated any differently to my male band mates just because I'm female.

Do you think that people are more accepting of female drummers?

Yeah I can only speak from seeing female drummers on YouTube and the reception they recieve is good. It's cool to see comments about their technique/groove rather than their gender.

Katie Bullock

Who or what got you into drumming?

My old drum tutor is my biggest inspiration, along with drummers such as Portnoy, The Rev and Steve Gadd.

Do you think there's enough female drummers in the rock and metal industry?

I don't think it really matters. Music doesn't have a gender, instruments don't have a gender, it doesn't matter if it's a man or a woman if they can play well. What I don't like is when a poor to average female drummer gets glorified because she's female, or really great female drummers get overlooked or only compared to other female drummers rather than male as well.

I think it's more of an inequality in comparison of skill no matter the genre. It doesn't matter how many female drummers there are in a genre, what matters is if they're good or not. I think average female drummers get praised more than average male drummers because it's often sexualised. Don't get me wrong , people will sexualise male drummers as well if they're attractive and at least average. But there are fewer female drummers so it's more noticed.

Do you think females are put off from wanting to learn the drums? If so, why?

The more the better if they're good. What I don't want to see is more female drummers taking it up BECAUSE they're female. Have a passion for it, play with feeling, play with aggression, play how you wanna play just play well.

What's it like being a female drummer in the rock and metal music industry?

I dunno, I often get the whole 'we didn't expect you to play like that' or 'can't believe that sound was coming from you' not only because I'm female, but I'm also really short. Appearances can be deceiving. The community is amazing though, one of the most welcoming for everyone.

Do you think people are more accepting of female drummers?

I think I kinda answered that in the first answer a bit. I think there's more preconception that female drummers in general aren't going to be very good. Don't get me wrong, I've seen a lot of pretty poor female drummers. But I've also seen awesome ones. I think your drumming should speak for you not your gender. Although it's always awesome to see another female drummer absolutely kicking arse on stage.

Amy Blair

Who or what got you into drumming?

When I heard Yellowcard for the first time I was so inspired to be able to play like Longineu Parsons III. It's still one of the things that drives me now to continue to keep challenging myself to get better!

Do you think there's enough female drummers in the rock and metal music industry?

In the past few years I've met loads of female drummers and they've all been amazing! Of course there's always room for more but I think the number of us there are now are doing a great job!

Do you think females are put off from wanting to learn the drums? If so, why?

In my experience, I've never come across a woman who hasn't wanted to learn drums or anything particularly. I guess though, if this is the case, the only reason I could think of is that women play by drums isn't really a part of popular culture. This really shouldn't make a difference though!

What's it like being a female drummer in the rock and metal music industry?

Even though ther is now a lot more respect for women within the industry, sometimes you get a few hurtful jabs in your direction. All that makes you want to do is hone in on your craft and prove that you deserve just as much respect as the next person!

Do you think people are more acceppting of female drummers in the rock and metal music industry?

I would really hope that people would be accepting of female drummers, especially in this day and age. I've never come across anyone who has never accepted me purely because of my craft!

 Molly Draba-Mann 

Who or what got you into drumming?

I don't think anyone specific got me into drumming, but growing up listening to loads of rock bands and artists, I just knew I had to do that one day. They always just looked so cool on stage and like they were  having a great time!Then, later on I realised that I watched the drummers a lot and always tried to mimic their drum patterns...and that's when I thought I might give it a go! Never looked back since!

Do you think there's enough female drummers in the rock and metal industry?

I think there are definitely a lot more than there used to be, especially in the public eye! I definitely see a lot more female vocalists than before, but instrumental wise (especially drummers) it's still a male dominated field. I would love to see more female drummers in the more hardcore rock/metal genres, that would be awesome! Hopefully soon! More and more popping up and that's great!

Do you think females are put off from wanting to learn the drums? If so why?

I think it's still seen as a "boy thing" which it's not at all! Anyone can play! Kind of liking to the previous question I imagine it's because there isn't much female influence about in the industry for young girls to look up to! It's a shame but that's just the way rock music and music in general has previously been, now's the time to change it and hopefully get a new generation of female drummers!

What's it like being a female drummer in the rock and metal music industry?

It's amazing! It definitely makes you stand out as you don't fit the current stereotypes, so it's awesome to bring awareness to what you can do and hopefully influence younger musicians! However with thr stereotypes sometimes you can get a little bit of gender prejudice, occasionally I'm "not expected to be good" just because I am a girl but it's amazing to prove some people wrong so to speak and show off my ability as a drummer and my love for music as a whole!

Do you think people are more accepting of female drummers?

I think the wider audience and musicians alike are accepting, yes it's becoming more common for females to be taking centre stage in bands and are becoming noticed and more respected in the industry. I still think there is a little bit of hesitancy, especially with drummers as it's just so uncommon to see them. As mentioned before, most high profile drummers are male, and female drummers are still marked as exactly that -n"Female drummers", when really it should be a "drummer" and not seen as a rarity! We are definitely being accepted more now, so I can only hope it gets better!

Vicky Reader

Who or what got you into drumming?

Oh gosh, that was when I was ten years old. A rock band came into my school and put on a show, advertising music lessons for each instrument. I cannot explain what happened in that moment, but it just hit me "I WANT TO BE A DRUMMER!". I have been around music my whole life too, with my dad being a bass player, but it was that moment and that instrument that was 'IT!'.

Do you think there's enough female drummers in the rock and metal music industry?

HELL NO! Always room for more and I think that's actually happening, to be honest. I feel there are more female musicians in metal music generally than ever before. Hopefully it's becoming normalised and it'll be less of a sausage fest.

Do you think females are put off from wanting to learn drums? If so why?

I'm not sure why it's a male dominated instrument tbh. But there could be a lot of factors (for either gender), it's hard, loud, expensive, heavy, hard to store and transport... But god, it is fun! Fortunately campaigns like the Hit Like A Girl Contest have been encouraging more ladies to pick up those sticks and get partying! More please!

What's it like being a female musician in the rock and metal music industry?

I think it's amazing being in this music industry in general, (although, it most definitely requires a lof of dedication and a thick skin matter what gender). I've had very little problems with sexism fortunately. (I know and acknowledge that I am one of the lucky ones!). I do get the odd comments pointing out that I drum and that I am a girl, but I don't feel any malice in it, it's kind of people just pointing out facts/stats more than anything... there aren't a lot of female drummers around, it's rare and true. But changing, I really feel more and more girls are coming into this industry. Keep at it, girls!

Do you think people are accepting of female drummers?

Yes, absolutely, from my own personal experience, I feel that people love it. I get a lot of amazing support and love from people who come to see my band. I know it's not the norm (yet!) so it's quite rare to have a lady playing drums, especially in the metal world, but I feel it's generally received extremely well. If people don't like it or accept it, I just don't bother with them, discrimination is not cool!

Laura Moakes

Who or what got you into drumming?

I first started drumming at the age of 10, I had tried all the usual instruments at that age cello, violin, saxaphone but never stuck with anything until my primary school inherited a drum kit, from that moment myself and a group of of lads used to mess around on it at every moment we could and now 17 years later I'm still playing!

Do you think there's enough female drummers in the rock and metal music industry?

This is an interesting question as they're actually more than you think, I am seeing more and more females playing the genre which is amazing, is there enough?  Will there probaly ever be enough? Most likely not!

Do you think females are put off from wanting to learn drums? If so why?

I actually believe that a lot of people in general I think are put off by the space required and then the sheer loudness of an acoustic kit. There are so many awesome awesome electric kits on the market now that drums are just as accessible as every other instrument, people just don't seem to get that.

What's it like being a female musician in the rock and metal music industry?

I have grown up in bands and played all around the country, I never really thought that I was any different because I was female, when I was younger (14-18) everyone that used to come see the bands I was in felt that way too, I was just another person in a band. But now at 27 you get a lot of comments from men who're older who seem to think a lady drummer is this amazing thing and get comments  like "You're pretty good for a girl", so in answer to the question sometimes you get a few people that say silly things but most of the time, I am respected just like anyone else in my position.

Do you think people are more accepting of female drummers?

I think people have always accepted female drummers I think it's the fact that in thr past there wasn't many of us, I think it is or it has to get to a point sooner or later where we're thought of as just any other drummer :)

Alice Bates

Who or what got you into drumming?

I sort of stumbled upon drumming one day. Me and my dad went past a drum school and , with him being a musician, he suggested I learn. Then that was it, I was hooked. I guess he is definitely the main reason I got into drumming.

Do you think there's enough female drummers in the rock and metal music industry?

I suppose you can't really put a definitive number on how many female drummers there 'should be' in the industry.It would be nice to see more and experience more support from each other. As something I have noticed from playing with other female drummers, is that they can sometimes be quite stand off-ish with me. I don't know if it's a competition thing, but I'd definitely love there to be more (supportive) female drummers!

Do you think females are put off from wanting to learn the drums? If so why?

I think females may not want to learn drums because it's not really a "feminine" instrument I guess. In my experience, there's sort of a very masculine stigma around drumming.

What's it like being a female drummer in the rock and metal music industry?

I think being a female musician in the rock and metal music industry is honestly really cool! There's so much respect from other musicians, and it's always fun shocking people when they think that "because I'm a girl" I can't play! You obviously do get people being a little judgemental, or even downgrading towards us, but on the whole I really think it's awesome!

Do you think people are more accepting of female drummers?

Yeah, people are definitely accepting of female drummers. I think at first, people can be a little be wary, expecting us to be crap. But really I think, as a whole, people are very accepting of us. What I think is most shameful really, is that people don't just see female drummers as just "Drummers" we are always in that "Female drummer" category.

As you can see everyone has different opinions and each of these drummers have worked really hard to be where they are now. I've been drumming for 6 years on and off. I started drumming when I started high school as we had to pick 2 main intruments to learn and focus on so I chose drum kit and bass guitar.

I didn't get into drumming until I seen Amy from Altered Sky perform at the garage in 2015 and I was inspired. I continued to play drums throughout the 5 years of high school I done. Now at college I'm still drumming but I have more inspirations such as Katie Bullock from Chaing Dragons and Jen Ledger from Skillet. Kristina Schiano is another drummer who inspires me.

It's great to have inspirations as it gives you someone to look up to and inspire to be like. When people say to me "Amy will be proud of you" it means a lot to me as I know that I'm getting somewhere with my drumming. She's been playing for 16 years, so a lot longer than I have! Katie Bullock inspires me to want to start learning to use a double bass pedal. She loves to drum fast and hard.

The problem about being a drummer is how loud and expensive a kit is. I've actually never owned a kit so I have to use studio kits and college kits which is why I'm not as good as I want to be at this stage but there's always room for me to improve and learn more.

I think there should be more female drummers in the rock and metal music industry as I don't think there's enough. I can only think of about 5 female drummers off the top of my head. I hope to see more  female's take up drumming and hopefully be in a band to show off their sick skills!



Altered Sky

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