Fear Me December - The UK's next top band

This band have done so much for themselves as a band that barely any bands would do. Fear Me December are originally from Argentina but moved as a band to Manchester which is a massive move. In a recent interview with Victoria she said;

"It was hard when you think about leaving your family, your friends and everyone you love behind. But to be honest with you we were super excited, it was a major goal since we were teenagers, the idea of leaving somewhere else was like an adventure, we want it to take and yeah it was hard leaving everyone behind but it was a comfort to feel we were taking the right decision, and having each other to support us it was the last piece of the puzzle to take this step. We miss everyone every day so so much, but we made the right decision and we wouldn't change it". Check out the full interview with the lovely Victoria here: http://crossskullmedia.blogspot.com/2018/05/fear-me-december-interview.html

This is the biggest decision I've seen any band make but this band gained a lot more fans across the world, especially in the UK and Argentina because of this. The band are always gaining new fans across the world and their old fans are always right behind them every step of the way and we can see big things coming from this group of amazing people.

Check out their music video for the song 'Dear Love' which was directed by Loki Films

They're always really creative and lively during their live performances and in their music videos. This band knows what's important such as fan interaction by giving fans the chance to sings a few lyrics with them and always connecting with their fans.The band have a lot of amazing music out that people love the sound of as this band mixes Nu metal with heavy metal in their own style.

Photo of Joe Conan Booth and Victoria Cabanellas by Firerock Records

This band have lost members and they've gained members throughout their massive journey. Fear Me December show how fierce they are with their passion, dedication and amazing performances. They're now under the management of Reaction Management who have been sorting things out for them such as amazing gigs with amazing bands.

If you wanted to know the true meaning of true dedication then this band might be it. Leaving their home and everything behind to pursue their dreams is the tough decision that Fear Me December have made, moving from Arentina to persue their music career here in the UK. Dedication is the key word but having listened to the album 'Between Violence and Silence' talent would definitely be another key word. A solid album from start to finish that makes a very bold statement - "We are Fear Me December and we deserve to be heard" and in my opinion they definitely do.


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