End of Daze Interview

1. What's the top 3 bands you've performed with?

That is such a hard question. Genuinelly so diffuclt. We've played with so many great bands. Some that come to mind are bands like Griever, Saint (the) Sinner and Death Remains. We've got shows coming up with bands such as Hacktivist, The Royal, Of Virtue and InVisions, so that list could change. Who knows?

2. How has your writing process changed between the first and second album?

We just as a whole got better. In every way, I think we just got better. The writing is far more mature, and releatable. You will struggle not to nod your head when a big riff hits.

3. When can we expect the second album to surface and what can we expect from it?

Hopefully 2019. I know. It's taken AGES, but life gets in the way. You can expect to be blown away if you're expecting the second coming of Ascension.

4. How did you come up with the name End of Daze?

There is no real story. It just kind of happened at a band meeting years and years ago.

5. What's the most stressful part about being in a band?

What isn't the most stressful part?! haha. Getting 6 people to all have the same time avaliable to get stuff done.

If you book like months in the future it's simple enough but sometimes things need to get done very quickly, and arranging 6 lives in the space of a week can be draining.

6. What's the 3 pros and cons of touring?

Pro 1 - The fun. It is so amazing. All the places, banter and fun you have is second to none.
Pro 2 - Networking with new bands and getting to hear some great music along the way.
Pro 3 - Gaining more experience in the music industry. Touring really helps you grow as people aswell. There is so many great things about touring.

Con 1 - MONEY. It can be expensive to tour, what with the van costs, driver costs, gear costs, travel costs ect. it's a hard time financially.
Con 2 - Sleep deprovation. However this usually makes everything funny which is also kind of a pro.
Con 3 - NO SHOWERS. We bare a few LOVE to be clean (as I'm sure a lot of people do) however, service stop showers are not ideal, and they are very rare.

7. How long have you been working on the second album for?

The second album has been finished now for well over a year, we're just making sure it all get's released well instead of just put out there for no-one to see.

8. What's the inspiration behind your first album?

Just a group of mates writing music that they felt passionate about. The overall lyrical overtone is about overcoming problems you face in life and bettering yourself confidence. The music is just us trying to be the best that we could be at the time.

9. What challenges do you face as a band?

There are a lot to be fair. We struggle not seeing each other a lot, we struggle finding the money to do things to give us a professional apperance, we struggle sometimes with personal issue's that can't be helped by just playing breakdowns. However these struggles don't affect you when you're stuck in a sweaty van with your 5 best friends doing what you love for weeks on end.

10. How and why did you decide to become a band?

End of Daze as a concepet existed with just our guitarist Jack Wood way back in 2013.

After going to college, Jack met drummer Jason and vocalist Harry. From this point on the concept tuned into something more solid. In 2015 Wynter joined the concept and from this the band was fully fromed and we then began playing shows and networking with new bands.

In 2016 we recorded a cover with Tom, who is currently our clean singer, due to the recording of that cover.

In 2016 Jim our bassist joined, and from there we were ready to tour and really make waves. Since then we have completed our second album and created the concept we orginally had and turned it into a band we are all proud to be part of.

Ascension is in the past at this point. That chapter is burnt, and we intend to start a new.


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