Pretty Addicted Interview

We recently got to interview Pretty Addicted and it was probably the best interview I've done with the most creative answers. Enjoy the interview!

1. Who are your influences?

Marilyn Manson is my biggest influence. I have loved him since I was a teenager and I think he is just amazing in every way. He has inspired my image, my music and my life and will forever inspire me.

2. What's the top 3 bands you've performed with?

Ooh that's a tough one because we have worked with so many cool bands and have developed really good friendships with nearly everyone we have ever played with. However, the top 3 that spring to mind are Pulverise, Hands Off Gretel and The Soapgirls. All really amazing bands and people, people I consider friends and people we support fully in everything they do, as they support us in everything we do. I can't big all these guys up enough. Check them out immediately if you haven't already!

3. Are you working on any new music?

We have just released our fourth album 'The Magic Of A Lunatic' in November of last year so you should go give it a listen! Really proud of how it came out.

4. What made you decide to sing the genre that you sing?

Erm, well I'm not even sure if we have a genre or what "genre" I sing in. My voice has progressed, expanded and improved so much since I started the band. I'm much better at it and I know I'll keep getting better at it through practice. I definitely scream more live, giving live shows that heavier feel than on CD, and I really enjoy trying different things with my voice, from clean singing to screaming, to making bizarre and cool sounds with my voice.

5. How would you describe your music to others?

As though a loud mouthed clown just stormed into your child's birthday party and started singing fucked up nursery rhymes through a megaphone over some bangin 'dance beats and heavy bass!
We're somewhere between The Prodigy, Marilyn Manson, trance, punk, 90s dance music and a circus haha! We're not anything you've heard before, that;s for sure. but I like to think we can make people dance, laugh, cry and feel both aroused and scared at the same time! Haha!

6. You're currently looking for a new drummer, how's that going? Any luck so far?

Meh. It's going.

7. What's the longest you've spent writing a song?

Months. Sometimes nothing comes out of you, or you star something and it doesn't come out the way you want it to, so you go over it and over it, walk away from it, come back to it, hate it, fix it, and then hopefully it comes together. If I don't love a song I won't put it on the album and there were a lot of songs I wasted time on that I didn't like in the end
so they werent on albums, but sometimes the time helps and you get something really great out of it.

8. If you were to have a lineup of any band including your own, who would the supports be?

In a fantasy world where mixing genres didn't matter it would be Marilyn Manson, The Prodigy, Ho99o9 and us. That would be a dream come true!

9. Vicious, what's the inspiration behind your style of makeup?

It's just weird and wonderful things. I like odd styles, weird make up. I'm inspired a lot by clowns and quirky characters. I like things other people consider "ugly" and my worst nightmare is to look "pretty". I never have a complete idea of a look I'm going to do, I just make it up as I go along, but as long as it's weird and cool, lots of black and white block colours, lots of polka dot and stripe patterns, old movies and old freakshow styles. As Lydia Deets says "I myself am strange and unusual" :)

10. Why should people check out your band?

Because we're different. We stand out from an average world full of average bands. Not all of them are but a lot of them are ,and we're a break from that reality. Also we are guaranteed to make you dance, feel something and embrace your inner weirdo! :)


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