James Haynes Interview

We recently caught up with James and his backing vocalist Chris. We talked about influences and the upcoming single

1. Who inspired you to play music?

J: I was keen on music from a really early age, I was always influenced by so many different genres of music, but recently upon discovering the likes of City & Colour and John Mayer have fallen in love with their sound and wanted to be able to replicate what they could do, unfortunately no where near that standard as of yet.

2. What made you decide to go down the solo route?

J: I Founded a band, named Adelante, but took a hiatus from the band to pursue my own originals project when there were some tensions between us. I play drums for Adelante who have recently reformed with an amended line up, but I have decided to continue writing and performing the solo material as its a seperate passion of mine. It came about around September 2017 after I thought the curtains would close on the band.

3. ‎How long have you been singing and playing guitar for?

J: It was around the time that Adelante were looking like falling apart that I first looked at taking the guitar seriously. I had dabbled in a few chords, but I hadn't sung until this point. I really wanted to continue songwriting, so I attempted it; quite badly to begin with. I think many people forget that Vocals are like any other instrument. I think you can have a natural talent for singing, but not everyone starts of being able to sing without certain training. I am learning all the time how to use my voice to its best capeabilities and have improved drasticly since the project began. I have also recently teamed up with a very good friend of mine, named Chris Loukopoulos who has been writing parts that accompany the songs I have written and is now going forward cowriting these songs, and he's here with me now.

4. ‎How would you describe your genre of music?

C: Now thats a tough question...erm...I'd define it as electric/acoustic, indie, folk rock but thats not really a genre is it? * Laughing *
J: I would say, maybe BluesPop if that is a genre? I see music on popular distrubution platforms being labeled under genres that I dont think they actually belong to…so I'd encourage listeners to decide for themselves.

5. ‎You've recently got a single coming out, can you tell us what it's about? 

6. ‎How long have you been working on the single for?

J: So the latest track we have recorded is being released as our Debut single, it's called 04:10am. The time in the title is significant to the conversation that took place which inspired the song. Back in January my Grandma passed away and I recall waking up in the early hours and going down stairs to find that my mum was also awake; she had a lot on her mind. The song goes into how my Nan would feel about my mum and how far she has come as a parent to meand pays tribute to how much of a kind and loving lady my grandma was aswell as bringing my mum and I closer. The reason I wrote the song was initially as a gift for my mum and to help me let go of some of the pain that I felt after our familys loss.

7. ‎Do you ever find it hard to find a gig to perform at?
C: I'd say no, as we've been finding plenty of places to play.
J: I agree, thankfully there are a lot of opportunities in our area with open mic nights. There is a circuit that has allowed us to meet great people who then themselves create opportunity for each other. From taking part in an open mic competition in southampton I aquired a support slot for a leading Tribute act in the Uk who was voted as the best tribute act of 2016/17. From knowing the right people, from past experience with the band it hasnt been too tricky to get opportunities, however the bigger and more significant opportunities are much harder for us to come by.

8. ‎What bands or musicians do you want to play with?

James Haynes...but in all seriousness either slash or Tremonti who are huge inspirations for my songwriting and sound as a guitarist. Slash is the reason I picked up guitar in the first place. Tremonti inspired me to start trying my hand at vocals.
J: Its fantastic playing with someone of Chris's calibre. So I have to agree performing with him is a great move. There are other very talented musicians on the southcoast who I have wanted to
perform with, one worth mentioning is a guy called Jordan Ayriss. I've had respect for him since the first time I met him over a year ago, and it was an honour when he asked us if we could open his
headline show in Bournemouths iconic alternative bar, Sound Circus.
Unrealistically though, I would have to say Mayer.

9. ‎What's your goal to reach at the moment?

J: With the release of “04;10am” I hope that Chris & I will start to see a step up in the opportunities we are getting. We are starting to fund for the project. I'm personally looking to upgrade my guitar
so paid opportunities are going to be something we are on the look out for to allow us to keep
funding projects like an EP for instance.
C:Yeah, and regular headlining gigs in the area, but the end goal is to get a tour in the uk right!?

10. ‎When will your single be out?

J: The single is being put out indipendently by ourselves on April 18th 2018.
You can hear it premier on 90.1 between 19:00-21:00 and then over on 107.2FM between 20:00-
22:00 alternatively it will be available to download across all platforms from the end of April.
C:hopefully everyone will go and check it out.


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