Eva Play's Dead Interview

1. Your EP 'The Fix' is coming out soon, how long have you been working on it for? 

Wow, I'd not thought about how long … probably about 2 years. Isn't that crazy how time flies! 

2. Was there ever a point that you had second thoughts about releasing or recording the EP? 

No, never. This EP is good and it's about something important which means a lot to a lot of people. I'm proud of what we've created. 

3.Tiggy, you've recently opened up to people about having Bi-polar and have helped out a lot of people by answering their questions, how do you feel about all the support? Did you think you were going to get this much support? We're all proud of you for opening up.

First of all, thank you. The reason I have started opening up about my issues is because for many years I've tried to play the 'strong woman’ role, but that's mentally exhausting and I was in a position where I couldn't handle myself and became suicidal. I didn't want to speak out because I didn't want people to think I was vulnerable… However I now know that being vulnerable is okay because it makes us human. More importantly I feel that if society has a bigger understanding of mental health then maybe more people will seek the help they need and in turn help others. At times I feel like 'oh should I really say that, do I look weak’, but honestly if I can be weak in front of an array of people and show them that it's okay, then hopefully we can start changing how we view mental health. The support we've had is absolutely unreal, the messages I have received are so heart-warming and it's opened my eyes to how secret mental health can be for people who live with it. We’ve really created a fantastic community. 

4. What's been the highlight of your band career so far? 

Obviously being backed by the likes of Kerrang!, Rock Sound and supporting bands like Skindred are massive things in the lives of a band like us. And reaching our PledgeMusic campaign target in 2 weeks is absolutely crazy thanks to the commitment of our fans. But honestly for me the ongoing highlight for me is just being with the lads; spending time writing, laughing , touring and learning about each other over the years. Being able to go through what we've gone through and still love each other is the best feeling ever. I'm lucky to have them. 

5. What's the top 3 bands you've performed with? 

Skindred, Devilskin, and Black Peaks 

6. What goal do you want to achieve as a band or have you already achieved that goal? 

I think we've achieved our goal for this year, which was the PledgeMusic campaign. I think it's really important to set goals but to also live in the present - we’re in a fantastic place right now so we’re just soaking up the bliss from what's happening at the moment. 

7. Can you tell us what 'The fix' is about? 

Wow, I feel like I need a book to answer this. In short it's about my discovery of 'self’ through my illness and therapy and realising that I'll never be 'fixed’ but understanding that mental health is something you can live with, and live well with. It's vulnerable and raw, something I'm not that comfortable with - I talk about my experiences with hallucinations and drug abuse and all things in between. I'd love to hear what other people's interpretations are. 

8. What's the most embarrassing onstage moment? 

Ha! There are so many, I mean over the years I've lost one too many body parts out of my top. I gave myself concussion on stage once, which led to me going to hospital… that was fun. 

9. How would you describe your music? 

Loud, raw, uncensored, sassy, dirty and naughty. 

10. Why should people check out Eva Plays Dead? 

Why shouldn't you? 
Do it. 

Thank you to Eva Play's Dead for taking part in this interview.


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