Everything Aside Interview

I got the chance to interview Everything Aside. An amazing band from a small town doing big things!

1. How long have you all been interested in music and playing your instruments for?

We've all been playing instruments/in bands since we were 15. For Nathan, thats about 37 years.

 2. Who are your inspirations?

Toto mainly, but we have many modern influences, as of lately mainly being the likes of pvris and paramore with their latest albums being absolute fire!

3. What's been the highlight of your band career so far?

The highlight of our band career would probably be playing to hundreds of people at Godiva Festival, opening for Neck Deep. A close second is whenever we find a grab machine/arcade in a service station.

4. What made you choose to change the band name?

We changed the band name for many different reasons, but overall we really just wanted a fresh start after changing our line up so much. We decided to be a three-piece and to stick to it no matter what. Everything Aside is the beginning of that and its really exciting to be a part of something thats only just begun!

5. If you could play a show with any band what band would it be?

Toto. Paramore. Pvris. Bloodhound Gang. Taylor Swift. Any of these will do.

6. Do any of you have a secret talent?

Nathan and Kris are secretly expert salsa dances, a passion and talent that they prioritise far more than this band. Make of it what you will.

7. Are you currently working on any new EPs?

We're writing new tunes, but generally not rushing anything because we want our next record to be 69 steps above anything we've ever done before.

8. What's the difference between your new and old material?

Our old material is more influenced by pop punk bands, whereas we have began to slowly move away from that with our new material, but kept to our roots at the same time because punk/rock music will always be something we love playing.

9. Who are your influences?

Toto. Jeremy Corbyn. James Blunt.

10. What's the best bands you've played with?

The Prophets

11. How to you prepare for shows?

We used to do yoga, drink loads of water and chill out. Now we just have maccies and argue with each other. Its much more exciting.

12. What's your live set up?

1 guitar. 1 bass. drums. Dank sub drops. Choreographed dance routines.

13. What's your new song about?

Okay, serious answer. No mistakes is about learning to let go of something that isn’t good for your mental health. Its about understanding the importance of doing whats right for yourself, and letting go of a situation that is making you sad. It is not selfish to separate yourself from someone who isn’t making you happy, or who is making you feel bad about yourself. Its important to be kind to people, but its really important. To be kind to yourself.

14. How do you deal with negativity?

Quite frankly, we don’t have time for negativity. Constructive criticism? Always welcome. But if you’re gonna be nasty to people, don’t talk to us. Don’t come to our shows. Be nice to people or stay at home and do nothing. Please and thank you.

15. What's your favourite song to play live?

Our favourite song to play live HAS to be our new track “Layers”. Everyone will here this on our upcoming tour, its gonna be a lot of fun!

16. Why should people check you out?

If you like good vibes and a friendly group of people who love to play music and eat Greggs, then you should definitely check out Everything Aside.


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